Archdiocesan Clergy With Substantiated Allegations Of Sexual Abuse Of A Minor

"I am grateful to my predecessor Archbishop-Emeritus Robert Carlson for the work he has done in addressing allegations of sexual abuse within the Archdiocese of St. Louis. It is important work in supporting those impacted by abuse, to offer healing to the victims and families, and to ensure to the best of the Church’s ability that our parishes, schools, and ministries are providing a safe environment for the faithful of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. This work will continue to be a priority that I fully support in my ministry as Archbishop of St. Louis."

                            -   Most Reverend Mitchell T. Rozanski, Archbishop of St. Louis

July 26, 2019

Dear Friends in Christ,

Last September, I promised to publish the names of clergy who have had substantiated claims of sexual abuse of minors against them. Today, I am fulfilling that promise.

It will be painful for all of us to see the names of clergy accused of behavior we can barely allow ourselves to imagine. But publishing their names is the right thing to do.

For years, victims have carried the burden of the crimes committed against them. In talking with many of them, I have witnessed the devastating impact on their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

Publishing these names will not change the past. Nothing will. But it is an important step in the long process of healing. And we are committed to that healing.

This list, which is published below, is the result of a long and extensive investigation conducted by a third-party agency staffed with skilled investigators, formerly of the FBI and state law enforcement. The results were provided to the Archdiocesan Review Board—a board composed of a majority of lay members who are not employed by the Archdiocese of St. Louis. The Review Board produced the list and shared it with me for final review. I have accepted the results of this investigative process.

Please be assured that no priest or deacon of the Archdiocese of St. Louis against whom there has been a substantiated claim of sexual abuse of a minor is currently serving in ministry. Important facts regarding each member of the clergy who is named, including their status within the Church, are detailed on this list.

The list is also published in a special edition of our archdiocesan newspaper, St. Louis Review, and a copy of this edition is being circulated to most Catholic households in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, regardless of whether that household has a subscription. Additionally, the list is being shared with the Missouri Attorney General. The Archdiocese of St. Louis will continue to work in full transparency with the Attorney General’s office throughout its review of clergy personnel records, which is ongoing, to ensure that any new information regarding allegations of sexual abuse of minors by clergy is considered and handled appropriately.

I strongly encourage anyone who has yet to share their story of abuse to please come forward to the local and state authorities. I also ask that anyone who has knowledge of sexual abuse of minors or misconduct by a member of the clergy, an employee or volunteer of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, call the Office of Child and Youth Protection at 314-792-7704. The names of any additional clergy who are found to have substantiated claims of sexual abuse of minors against them, based on new information, will be added to this list.

The archdiocese has many resources in place to support victims. Numerous steps have also been taken to strengthen and enhance procedures to ensure that our children are protected.  More information about these initiatives and resources can be found on the Promise to Protect webpage.

I pray, and I ask you to pray with me, to our blessed Mother Mary: Mother of mercy, help us by your prayers. Help victims to heal. Help the Church to be purified. Help bishops and priests to repent, to return to Jesus with a purified faith, and become instruments of His salvation.

God continues to call all of us to Him through His Church. I ask all of you to join me in heartfelt prayer, with the Eucharist in mind, that this work will help bring peace to the victims and their families. I pray that He will help us all remain vigilant in righting past wrongs, fulfilling our Promise to Protect, and restoring trust in His Church, its leadership and His divine plan for salvation.

I pray that, in this moment, we will be rich in the healing power of Jesus, rise out of the darkness of this tomb, grow stronger in the light of His love and mercy, and praise Him unceasingly for His promise of eternal life.

 Sincerely yours in Christ, 

Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson
Archbishop of St. Louis

Important Highlights

No archdiocesan clergy member against whom there has been a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor is currently in ministry.

There have been no substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of a minor alleged to have occurred after 2002.

In keeping with the requirements of the Charter, any archdiocesan employee or volunteer (clergy or lay) who is found to have a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor is removed permanently from ministry and/or employment.

List Of Archdiocesan Clergy With Substantiated Allegations Of Abuse

The archdiocesan clergy listed below have been found to have substantiated allegations, regarding either sexual abuse of a minor or child pornography, against them. For the purposes of this list, a “substantiated allegation” is an allegation that is determined to be more likely true than not true, based on all facts and data related to the case that are available and accessible. 

A characterization of an allegation in this list by the archdiocese as “substantiated” is not equivalent to a finding by a judge or jury that a cleric is liable or guilty for sexual abuse of a minor under civil or criminal law.

This list is a result of a long and extensive investigation conducted by a third-party agency staffed with skilled investigators, formerly of the FBI and state law enforcement. The results were provided to the Archdiocesan Review Board—a board composed of a majority of lay professionals who are not employed by the Archdiocese of St. Louis—which produced the list. The results of the investigation were accepted by Archbishop Robert Carlson.

The list is divided into four categories:

  • Clergy of the Archdiocese of St. Louis with substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of a minor
  • Clergy of the Archdiocese of St. Louis with substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of a minor, first allegation made after clergy death
  • Clergy from other dioceses (extern clergy1) who served in the Archdiocese of St. Louis and have substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of a minor
  • Clergy with substantiated allegations of possession of child pornography

List of Archdiocesan Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of a Minor

No.  Last Name  First Name  Year of Ordination  Date of Death  Status 
1BabkaRobert H.19682013Removed from ministry; deceased
2BeckmanDcn. Carl1986 Removed from ministry
3BeineJames A.1967 Removed from ministry; laicized
4BrinkmanDon G.1967 Removed from ministry
6CampbellJohn R.1958 Removed from ministry
7CampbellMichael A.1979 Removed from ministry
8ChristianNorman H.19612004Removed from ministry; deceased
9CooperThomas T.19552003Removed from ministry; deceased
10CreasonHubert E.19582006Removed from ministry; deceased
11FitzgeraldAlfred J.1966 Removed from ministry
12FunkeJames A.1974 Removed from ministry; laicized
13GhioJohn J.19802020Removed from ministry, deceased
14GoellnerGlennon J.19502007Removed from ministry; deceased
15GrahamThomas J.19602019Removed from ministry; deceased
16GummersbachJames L.19542014Removed from ministry; deceased
17HeckDonald H.19632015Removed from ministry; deceased
18HedermanKevin F.1975 Removed from ministry
19HeierVincent A.1977 Removed from ministry; retired
20HuhnBernard19522000Ministry restricted; deceased
21HummelDcn. Fred1986 Removed from ministry; laicized
22JohnstonRobert F.1962 2021Removed from ministry; deceased
23KaskeJohn J.1956 Removed from ministry; laicized
25KelleyWilliam A.19772013Removed from ministry; deceased
27KopffMarvin C.19632006Removed from ministry; deceased
28KucharBryan M.1993 Removed from ministry; laicized
29LessardJoseph P.19522014Removed from ministry; deceased
30LippertAlexander W.19562000Removed from ministry; deceased
31MarquitzRobert1964 Removed from ministry; laicized
32McClintockDennis J.1973 Removed from ministry; laicized
34McGrathMichael1974 Removed from ministry; laicized
35MarschnerAloysius J.19362004Ministry restricted; deceased
36ObmannRussell19512000Removed from ministry; deceased
37O'BrienJoseph M.19572012Removed from ministry; deceased
38PavlikJames J.19632015Removed from ministry; deceased
39RehmeAlbert A.19562012Removed from ministry; deceased
40RossJoseph D.1969 Removed from ministry; laicized
41SchierhoffLawrence C.19522008Removed from ministry; laicized
42SeidelMichael L.1987 Removed from ministry; laicized
43StraubDonald J.1975 Removed from ministry; laicized
44TooheyMichael W.1967 Removed from ministry; laicized
45ValentineLeroy1977 2020Removed from ministry; deceased
46WestrichKeith M.1981 Removed from ministry; laicized 
47WolkenGary P.1993 Removed from ministry; laicized
48YimRobert J.1974 Removed from ministry; laicized
49ZacheisDennis B.1975 Removed from ministry

List of Archdiocesan Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of a Minor that were first accused After Death 2

No.  Last Name  First Name  Year of Ordination  Date of Death  Status 
6GalovichGeorge W.19712012Deceased


The clergy on this list had already passed away when the allegations against them were made. As such, these clergy did not have an opportunity to respond to the allegations or provide a defense.


List of Extern Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Sexual Abuse of a Minor 3

 No.  Last Name  First Name  Year of Ordination  Date of Death  Status 
1FerraroRomano J.1960 Removed from ministry; laicized
2FrobasVictor A.19661993Removed from ministry; laicized; deceased
3FlemingMark1980 Laicized
4LenczyckiFrederick1972 Removed from ministry; laicized
5RobertsKenneth J.19662018Removed from ministry; deceased
6StauberJames F.19592010Removed from ministry; deceased


Extern clergy refers to clergy members that were not from the Archdiocese of St. Louis, but served in the Archdiocese of St. Louis for a period of time. 

The clergy on this list have substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of a minor that occurred in the Archdiocese of St. Louis or elsewhere.


List of Archdiocesan Clergy with Substantiated Allegations of Possession of Child Pornography 

 No.  Last Name  First Name  Year of Ordination  Date of Death  Status 
1GradyJames P.1977 Removed from ministry; laicized
2HessJohn P.1983 Removed from ministry
3VatterottWilliam F.2003 Removed from ministry; laicized

Promise To Protect

Visit the Promise to Protect homepage to learn more about the steps our archdiocese has taken and continues to take for the protection of children and vulnerable adults.

Investigatory Process

Policies and Procedures Regarding Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Clergy or Other Church Personnel

The Archdiocese of St. Louis is committed to protecting children and youth from sexual abuse.  Since 1990, the archdiocese has had a policy and procedures to give guidance to its employees, volunteers, religious and clergy regarding child abuse and to address the needs of persons affected by child abuse. The following policy and procedures have been adopted to address situations in which a member of the clergy, an employee, a volunteer or religious working in a parish, school or agency/office is accused of sexual abuse of a minor. An allegation of this type of abuse seriously affects the alleged victim and his/her family, the person accused, and the larger community.

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