
Prophecy is speaking in the name of God and under the power of the Holy Spirit. As a spiritual gift, prophecy is rooted in a close and personal relationship with Jesus so that the prophet hears and repeats what is given in prayer. A strong sacramental life is essential for the listening and repeating of what is said. Prophecy can be given for a person or group. The community leaders make sure it is authentic and always test prophecy. Prophecy need not be shared until it is verified. Young and old, men and women can give prophetic words.

Prophecy Workshops – 7 pm to 8:30 pm at the Catholic Renewal Center.

 2024 Workshops are scheduled for October 29

Learn to listen to and discern words from the Lord. Open to all who would like to grow in these gifts.  This will be a hybrid meetings: in-person at Renewal Center and via video conference. For more information contact Jeff Barczewski at  Please email Mary Jo at if you want the video link emailed to you.

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