Pre-Nuptial Investigation Forms
HERE IS A LINK to access the current Pre-Nuptial Investigation Form which can be downloaded, completed online, and printed. Do not use the previous form.
Please double check to make sure that all of the required fields are completed. The form may also be printed and completed in writing. In such a case, please print legibly.
The Pre-Nuptial Investigation Form must be printed and signed and dated by the priest or deacon and the bride and groom.
Please submit any request for a dispensation or permission at least one month in advance of the date of the marriage.
In such a case, the form is to be submitted by USPS mail or dropped off at the Office of the Metropolitan Tribunal at the Cardinal Rigali Center, 20 Archbishop May Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63119.
After a marriage has been celebrated, the marriage is to be recorded in the marriage register of the place of marriage ( cf., canon 1121 ยง1). The marriage is also to be noted in the baptismal registers in which the baptism of the spouses has been recorded. If a spouse did not contract marriage in the parish in which the person was baptized, the pastor of the place of the celebration is to send notice of the marriage as soon as possible to the pastor of the place of the baptism ( cf., canon 1122).
For any questions or inquiries, please contact the Office of the Metropolitan Tribunal at, or 314-792-7400.